How to I add a new autoresponder

An autoresponder is a handy feature that allows you to configure automatic email response messages. Whether you’re away on vacation or simply unavailable, autoresponders ensure that people who email you receive a timely acknowledgment. Here’s how to set them up:

  1. Log in to cPanel:

    • Access your cPanel account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Autoresponders:

    • Click on the Autoresponders icon. You’ll find it in the Email section.
  3. View Current Autoresponders:

    • To see existing autoresponders for a specific domain on your account:
      • Select that domain from the Managing menu on the top right side of the Autoresponders interface.
      • A list of autoresponders associated with that domain will appear.
      • You can also search for a specific autoresponder by entering a keyword in the search box.
  4. Add an Autoresponder:

    • To create a new autoresponder:
      • Click Add Autoresponder.

      • A new interface will appear.

      • Here are the details you’ll need to provide:

        • Character Set: Choose a character set (usually defaults to utf-8).
        • Interval: Specify the hours between responses to the same email address. For example, if you set an interval of 24 hours, the autoresponder won’t respond again to the same address within that time frame.
        • Email Address: Enter the email address for which you want to set up the autoresponder (only one autoresponder per email address).
        • From: Enter the username or name you want to appear in the response.
        • Subject: Set the subject line for the autoresponse.
        • HTML Option: If your response includes HTML tags, select this checkbox.
        • Body: Craft the text of your response. You can use tags like %subject%, %from%, and %email% to represent information from the incoming email.
  5. Choose Start and Stop Times:

    • Select a start time (either Immediately or Custom).
    • The system translates the time into Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) based on the user’s workstation operating system time.
  6. Save Your Settings:

    • Click Create to save your autoresponder.

Remember, autoresponders are a great way to manage communication when you’re away or busy. And if you’re interested in reliable web development services, check out DanumHost – your trusted partner!

  • Autoresponder, cPanel, Email, Create
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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